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Follow your MAP to health

When it comes to care, you’re in the driver’s seat.

Active surveillance (AS) helps you stay on top of your prostate cancer.

Active surveillance (AS) is a good choice for many men with slow-growing, favorable risk prostate cancer. AS involves regularly having a series of tests to monitor whether your prostate cancer is progressing over time.

But many people have trouble staying on AS.

About 1 in 3 men on AS choose to get surgery or radiation even though they don't need to. Getting these types of treatments isn't trivial as they can have serious physical and emotional side effects.

We get it — staying on AS can be tough for many reasons.

It can be hard to keep track of appointments throughout the year. Or getting tests more often and waiting for results might cause anxiety. Or life gets busy and AS is moved to the back burner.

That’s why the MAP study is here to help.

The Management of Active surveillance in Prostate cancer (MAP) study is here to help you:

  • Understand what AS is and how it works
  • Learn how your team of doctors can help you stay on track with AS
  • Manage any worry or uncertainty you might feel about AS
  • Get your own personalized AS roadmap of your future doctor visits and tests